u710LAMP/LEMP Full Stack

Classroom And Online Sessions Are Available


9 Month Course , Payment Option : Standard/Upfront

Batch ClassRoom Start Date : 24 November 2018, Digital Classroom : 24 November 2018

Why LAMP/LEMP Stack?

LAMP/LEMP is one of the most popular in the web development stack. LAMP and LEMP is the fully open source stack which is being in the various open source content management system (WordPress, Joomla, Drupal), e-commerce applications (Magento, Open cart, Oscommerce, Shopify).



Server Knowledge

Apache and NGINX is the best open source web server. Handling a server is the first task for any Stack. A good server knowledge will help you to sustain the performance of your web server.


Powerful back-end coding

Open source PHP programming with Laravel framework help you to build various robust web applications. Most of the common back-end functionality is CURD(Create, Update, Read, Delete) by using PHP on the server side and coordinate with the database like MYSQL.

database (1)

Database Operation

In every back-end, database operation plays a prominent role. MYSQL is an open source RDBMS database. To maintain the scalability of the database we do Indexing, Triggers, Functions, Store procedures.


Ease And Fast Development

LAMP/LEMP all comes with one bundle installations like WAMP and XAMP. This makes our work so easy because it includes apache or nginx as a web server, PHP as a scripting language, MySQL as a database.


Highly Secure

LAMP/LEMP full stack always receive fully securable updations, secure platform architecture and also help us to develop a secure application.


Platform Independent

PHP and MySQL support any platform. That helps us to develop our application fast for any platform like windows, mac or Linux.


  1. Intro to web development
  2. What is web development and where should I begin it?
  3. Career as a web developer
  1. Understanding the lamp/lemp as a open source
  2. Benefit of lamp/lemp
  3. Deployments
  1. Quick guide – Ubuntu (LAMP/LEMP) And Windows (XAMP)
  2. Configuration
  1. Learn more about IDE
  2. Task : Installation
  1. Introduction about HTML, HEAD, BODY AND HEADER
  2. Formating
  3. Display data with tables
  4. Images and form
  5. Task : Simple Html Website
  1. What is CSS?
  2. How to use?
  3. Element, ID And Class Selector
  4. Color, Background And Borders
  5. Background And Borders
  6. Task: Using ID And Class to create color and background for elements
  7. Using Browser Inspects Tools
  8. Combinations, Grouping, Specificity
  9. Task : Extending CSS Skills
  10. Text Styling and Formating
  11. Google Fonts
  12. Images
  13. Padding And Margin
  14. Using Browser Inspects Tools
  15. Task : Website Using CSS
  1. Modern Layout Concepts
  2. Nav bar and making responsive
  3. Forms
  4. Iframes
  5. Images and box shadows
  6. Building Footer
  7. Task : Create a website with nav bar
  1. How computer works
  2. Understanding Binary
  3. How code works
  4. Heap Vs Stack
  5. Understanding Hexadecimal
  6. Variables and storage capacity
  1. Intro about javascript
  2. Javascript Refernce
  3. Variables and string
  4. Operators
  5. Arrays
  6. Ops
  7. Contact form : Setting up form
  8. Contact form : Grabbing Elements With Javascript
  9. Contact Form : Using Event Listner
  10. Contact Form : Prevent Default
  11. Task : Create a contact form and validation
  1. What’s version control?
  2. GIT Basics
  3. Setting up Github on windows
  4. Github vs Bitbucket
  5. Local and remote repositories
  6. Working through Git Merge Conflicts
  7. Task : Pushing to Github
  1. Getting Started with bootstrap?
  2. Overview of bootstrap component
  3. Grid System
  1. Boilerplate Bootstrap Structure
  2. Bootstrap : Creating a signbox
  3. Bootstrap Form : Add input fields, Labels and buttons
  4. Bootstrap : Creating a register box
  5. Bootstrap Form : Add input fields, Labels and buttons
  6. Bootstrap 4 Grid : Finishing Mobile Compatibility
  7. Task : Create your own Login and register box
  1. Intro to Flexbox
  2. Flexbox fundamentals
  3. Excercise With Flexbox
  1. Intro to SASS
  2. Install SASS and Compile it to CSS
  3. Excercise to first Sass website
  4. Sass variables and imports
  1. Getting started with mysql
  2. Mysql Basics and queries
  3. MYSQL Keys and Data types
  4. Joins
  5. Sorting and Filtering of records with Union, having, Exist, any
  6. Store procedures
  7. Mysql Functions
  8. Task : Create a database for Simple Student Management
  1. Intro to php
  2. Syntax
  3. Strings And number
  4. Dates And times
  5. Variables And Arrays
  6. Conditions
  7. Functions
  8. Task : Create a simple calculation modules
  1. Intro to php classes and objects
  2. Sessions and Cookies
  3. PHP And Database
  4. Mail And File System
  5. Task : Create a small application school management
  1. Intro to laravel
  2. Installation
  3. Routes And Controller
  4. Auth
  5. ORM – Elequent
  6. CRUD (create, read, update and delete)
  7. Email And File Management
  8. Task : Create simple (Dashboard, Login, Register And Forget Password)
  1. WebHosting
  2. Manage Cpanel/WHM
  3. Setting Up And Domain , DNS
  4. File transfer
  1. Effects And Html
  2. Form validation
  3. Jquery Ajax with PHP and Laravel Framework
  4. Jquery Ajax with PHP and Laravel Framework
  1. Getting started with wordpress
  2. Installation and configuration
  3. Dashboard, Page, Post And Theme
  4. Menus, Widget, Users , Media And Setting
  5. Plugins
  6. Essential Plugins
  7. Codex, Hooks
  8. Plugin Development
  9. Theme Development
  10. Task : Create WordPress Theme
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